My Morning Routine and The Morning 5Having a morning routine can help your day be more productive. Check out the 8 things I get done before 8 am. Almost 2 years ago now, I had a more productive morning when I woke up early and did all of the things BEFORE I did anything else. I lived alone so it was easier for me to accomplish what I wanted to back then. Not that that is an excuse. I moved more; I actually drank more coffee back then, now I drink Rockstar Energy Drinks more than I do Coffee. People think I’m crazy, but listen I own and operate this blog, I work full time at 7 Eleven and run my own small business. My to-do list is never-ending and long. I need every minute of my 24 hours in a day that I can get. That’s why I started this great morning routine. My day is hectic. From the time I get out of bed, I have to feed my fur babies and make sure they have water, clean their litter box etc. But all work and no play were starting to wear on me, and I knew I needed dedicated time to just devote to me. Without anyone pulling on me, demanding answers to questions. Where I didn’t have to answer emails or stop and find a pair of socks or just TALK to anyone else. I was finding that I was trying to squeeze healthy habits and behaviors into my daily routines and failing miserably. I didn’t have time for me, and I was just off and overwhelmed. Until I started my morning routine that changed my life. It has saved my sanity, made me more productive and just made me an all-around better person. Here is how my morning routine goes! Scroll down for tips on how I created my morning routine and a FREE Morning 5 Routine Checklist to help you make yours! 4am - My Morning Routine StartsMy alarm goes off and I GET UP. I don't hit the snooze button. And I don't check my phone after first waking up. 4:10am - Gratitude & GoalsAfter going to the bathroom & grabbing something to drink, I head to my Office and sit down at my desk. I grab my Journal and write down my Gratitude List & my Goals for the day. 4:20am - I Journal (Brain dump)I end this time Journaling in my Sketchbook Journal, if I don't have much to say or it just doesn't fit in my regular journal. However, I keep a Gratitude Journal, a Brain dump Journal, a Goals Journal, and an Affirmations Journal. Whatever Journal it is, I write down my Affirmations of the day and whatever I am thankful for. Positive Affirmations really get my day started off on the right foot. 4:30am - I Hydrate & ReadI grab at least a bottle of water, then give myself about 30 minutes to wake up, read in whatever book I'm currently reading that week. Every morning, I do this. This is my time. 5-6:30am - I Get in my morning ExerciseFrom about 5-6:30 for my physical health AND my mental health, I work out. Exercise varies from Yoga to Strength Training & again, since I'm an early bird, this is part of my Self-Care which is done before the day even begins. 6:30-7:45am - It's Fur Baby Time!It's time to feed my fur babies! I fill the cat bowls with food & my dog's food bowl. And fill up their water bowls. I take my dog Bean for her Morning walk. Then she comes in & I give her a treat and give my cats treats. I play fetch with Bean and give her belly rubs and give her lots of attention, and the cats rubs so I am not distracted later. 8-10am - I Eat The FrogOne secret that keeps me motivated every Morning is that it actually starts the night before. Which is during my evening or nightly routine, depending on which shift I'm working at 7 Eleven that day. I look over my To-Do list and have written down THREE things I want to get done that day. 10am - I eat my Breakfast or drink my Protein ShakeAt this point, I need food or a Protein Shake and a cup of Coffee! I actually stand in front of my kitchen counter & take 15 minutes to do this. It's my time to refuel with a healthy breakfast or a delicious Peanut Butter Protein Shake and be ready for whatever the day is going to throw at me! 10:15am - I send a Message of EncouragementI send an encouraging message to my friends and family to lift them up, inspire them, motivate them and encourage them. I do this as part of the Morning 5 routine which I will share with you at the end. 10:30am - Good Morning VideoI like to make a daily Good Morning video to post on all the Social Media Platforms that I use. So, I'll create my Good Morning video, which is normally about 2-3 minutes in length tops. After making the video I'll upload it and also post it into my Blogs. 10:45am - Check E-mailsI don't know if you're like me, but I have like 5-6 or more e-mail addresses. I have an e-mail address for every different thing I do, example:
You get the drift. I go through all my e-mails and sort through them and put needed e0mails in the Spam Folder and sort them into other folders and respond as needed. 11:15am - Respond to Comments & Messages on social mediaI take this time to respond to Facebook Comments & Messages on my personal page and Business pages. I also head to LinkedIn, Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube and do the same, respond to comments and messages. So how do you Make Your Own Morning Routine?A morning routine doesn’t mean that you have to wake up at 4 am like me. It simply means that you need to set aside a little bit of extra time every morning to wake up and focus on you! Your routine can be as long or as short as you want it. So why do you need a morning routine?I get it,” routines” can seem boring, stifling or just unobtainable! BUT Morning routines make your life easier. They reduce stress because you really don’t have to think about what to do before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee. Routines put our brains on autopilot. They become like muscle memory. You don’t have to think about it because it just is. But if you are just starting out, you need help to get a better start on your day, and I’m here to help! 5 Things to Consider when Planning your Morning Routine1. Plan Your Morning at NightI plan out what I need to get done (including my top 3 things to get done) at the end of the day I find I have less stress in the morning and have a much more productive day when I plan out important tasks the night before. 2. Pick a wake-up timeMine is 4 am. Your routine might by 5 or 630am. Whatever it is, keep it consistent and after a while, it will start to feel natural. And when you get up, DON’T PICK UP YOUR PHONE! I switched my alarm to my Apple watch because when I used my phone, it was the first thing I reached for! And then I spent the next 20-30 minutes in bed mindlessly scrolling the internet instead of getting up. 3. Devote Some Time to YOU and HydrateMeditate and affirm: Meditation or morning affirmations are a great way to establish the tone of your day. But also taking time for you: reading, journaling, listening to a podcast or watch Netflix. Whatever it is, take at least 20 minutes for you. Do it first thing so that even on a busy day, you feel like you did something for yourself. Drinking water (BEFORE coffee) helps to gear up your metabolism and your brain. It helps you to WAKE up! 4. Eat a FrogPick ONE thing to cross off of your to-do list right away. As part of my evening routine, I usually write out my to-do list. In the morning, I look over what I need to accomplish and pick one of those to be my frog. Your frog (idea taken from the book Eat the Frog) could be a difficult task, cleaning a bathroom, sending that important email, exercising or making a Dr’s appointment. Whatever it is, doing that ONE thing that you want to put off helps you feel accomplished. Because it’s before noon and you already got something done! 5. Have BreakfastDidn’t your mama tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Now I know with the advent of intermittent fasting and our busy lives that it can be hard to fit in breakfast or even want to. But a person can’t be fueled by coffee alone (believe me I’ve tried) Getting something in a piece of peanut butter toast, a full meal from iHop, an apple, or avocado toast is important to make sure we can do what we need to do for ourselves. Morning routines take time and practice to perfect.If it seems daunting, add a new element every week. Wake up 15 minutes earlier every week until you reach your ideal time. Take all of these tips and create your own morning routine and adapt as necessary. Just keep at it. And watch your days become more and more productive. The Morning 5 Routine ChallengeAfter doing this consecutively it becomes easier to follow this routine, it has for me any way. The Morning 5 comes from Glenn Lundy of the #RiseAndGrind Morning Show and the Breakfast with Champions Podcast. Check out Glenn Lundy's website by clicking here.
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AuthorKirchner Admin Services opened in 2011 & is owned by Aiden D. Kirchner. Archives
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