Simple Sunday Evening Ritual for Grounding and FocusThere's something about Sunday that symbolizes rest, and relaxation. I use Sunday to prepare myself for the upcoming week, mentally, physically, and emotionally. #Selfcare SUNDAY EVENING RITUAL FOR GROUNDING AND FOCUS APRIL 26, 2018 There's something about Sunday that symbolizes rest, and relaxation. I use Sunday to prepare myself for the upcoming week, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Here's a look into my own Sunday evening ritual that I use to practice self-care and prepare myself for the week ahead! | self-care routine, self-care ideas, self-care tips, evening routine, bedtime routine, nighttime routine, evening rituals, mindfulness Even though I have to wake up early the next day to go to work, Sunday is my favorite day of the week. There’s something about Sunday that symbolizes rest, and relaxation. I use Sunday to prepare myself for the upcoming week, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I guess that’s why the term “self-care Sunday” is so popular right? I’m definitely not against that, because Sunday really is the perfect day for self-care. My Sunday evening ritual is pretty similar to my evening routine during the week, besides the fact that I do my planning on Sundays. Basically, if I don’t put my head on straight on Sunday night, I’ll feel totally off balance all week. So, I want to walk you all through what I do on Sunday nights to feel grounded, focused, and prepared for the week ahead. SUNDAY EVENING RITUAL FOR GROUNDING & FOCUS1. QUICK WORKOUT & SHOWERI like to start off my evening routine with a quick workout and follow it with a shower because it sets me up to feel tired and ready to go to sleep by 10:00pm. There’s something about exercising, taking a hot shower, and getting into soft cozy pjs that makes me feel so refreshed. If I don’t do it, I’ll feel more restless when it’s time to lay down at 10:00 and have more trouble falling asleep. I’ll usually jog on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes or find an at home workout routine on YouTube to follow. Then it’s time to shower and get into those comfy pjs. 2. EAT A HEALTHY DINNERThis doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Sometimes, if I’m feeling a little lazy, I’ll just make “breakfast” for dinner. Something like a veggie omelet with hash browns on the side. Another option is to go on Pinterest and search for something like “easy, healthy dinner recipe” and you’ll be presented with TONS of options. This is how I find different things to meal prep for lunch during the week, and I’m never disappointed by the things I find. Nutrition is really important for self-care, so make sure you’re eating a wide variety of foods to take care of yourself from the inside, out. 3. DIGESTIVE TEAI have an “after dinner tea” that I’ve been drinking every night before bed lately. It’s a blend of ginger, peppermint, fennel, and lemon balm, and it’s super soothing. Ginger and peppermint aid in digestion so this has been my favorite the last few weeks. Any herbal tea is a great addition to your Sunday night ritual though. A hot drink is a perfect way to unwind and settle into your evening. 4. DIM THE LIGHTS & GET THE GOOD SMELLS GOINGI turn off the main light in my room and turn on the smaller bedside light for dimmer lighting. I’ll also turn on my Himalayan salt lamp which is on the opposite side of the room from the bedside light, to create the perfect dim lighting throughout the room. I usually do this around 8:00pm, and I find that dimming the lights a couple hours before I go to sleep helps me to start feeling sleepy sooner so I can go to bed on time. I’ll also either burn some incense or diffuse some calming essential oils to add better vibes to the environment. 5. PLAN THE WEEKThis is the one thing that’s reserved for Sunday nights. I’ll sit with my planner and write out the important things that I know I need to do during the week. That way, my “map” for the week is ready and I don’t need to worry about forgetting anything important. It’s a lot easier to be able to refer to your planner in the morning every day and know exactly what you need to do, as opposed to waking up and trying to figure out what needs to happen that day. Of course, everyone is different when it comes to planning, and I know not everyone is as crazy about planning as I am, but whatever system you use to organize your life, Sunday night is the time to put it to use! 6. JOURNAL INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEKJournaling my intentions really sets the tone for the entire week. It also determines what I’m going to meditate on for the week. Intentions are as simple as what you intend to do and feel; what you choose to spend your time and energy on. Setting intentions can increase your productivity because you know exactly what you want to focus on, and how you want to feel. For example, I’ll journal mantras like “I am confident. I am successful. I communicate well with others. I’m productive and efficient, etc. etc.” Those are common intentions related to my 9-5, but they change depending on what is going to happen that week. Getting my intentions out onto paper helps me to make them a reality and stay focused on them. Otherwise, I’ll totally forget them and stray off course. 7. MEDITATE ON MY INTENTIONSAfter journaling my intentions for the week, I’ll choose one and use it for my mantra meditation that night. I’ll continue repeating the intention in my head during my meditation to help clear my mind, and really focus on what it is that I’m trying to manifest that week. I find this to be an awesome way to recenter and get grounded before the start of another crazy busy week! 8. GET INTO BED & READ SOMETHING INSPIRATIONALLight reading for 10-15 minutes before bed is another one of those things that I do to get ready to fall into a deep peaceful sleep. Reading before bed is a lot better for you than being on your phone up until you go to sleep. The light on the phone screen tends to keep you awake which is the opposite of what you want when it comes to an evening routine. So, I like to handle any social media/e-mail stuff at least 30 minutes before I want to fall asleep. Then I’ll switch over to the book and fall asleep soon after. Ending the day with some inspirational reading is a great way to keep the positive energy going and fall asleep on a good note. I keep whatever book I’m reading at the moment at my bedside table, so I have no excuse not to pick it up and do some reading. If it helps you, leave your phone somewhere out of reach from your bed, to prevent you from automatically grabbing it and getting pulled into an hour of endless social media scrolling. 9. SLEEP!Of course, getting enough rest is key to feeling grounded, and having the energy to conquer the week. Aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep per night, depending on what the perfect amount of sleep is for you. I usually get around 7-8 hours of sleep, and that’s what works best for me. Getting enough sleep is super important for both your mental and physical health, so make it a priority to get on a consistent sleep schedule to avoid feeling sluggish and tired throughout the week.
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